Seth Godin: The Icarus Deception How High Will You Fly (2012, Portfolio) 4 stars

The resistance is a symptom that you're on the right track. The resistance is not something to be avoided; it's something to seek out. That's the single most important sentence in this book. The artist seeks out the feeling of the resistance and then tries to maximize it. The cog, the day laborer, the compliant student -they seek to eliminate the feeling instead. That's the choice. Change your mind, right now, not later. If you determine that you will see better, make better, and most of all, dare to turn your tabula rasa into something frightening, that's when you will begin to live the life of the artist. And the artist's constant companion is the screaming lizard brain. If it goes away, you have to change your work until it returns.

The Icarus Deception How High Will You Fly by  (Page 119)