Henry quoted Stolen Focus by Johann Hari
It's not just the phone; it's the way the phone is currently designed. It's not just the internet; it's the way the internet is currently designed and the incentives for the people designing it. You could keep your phone and your laptop, and you could keep your social-media accounts- and have much better attention, if they were designed around a different set of incentives. Once you see it in this different way, Tristan came to believe, it opens up a very different path forward, and the beginnings of a way out of our crisis. If the existence of the phone and the internet is the sole driver of this problem, we're trapped and in deep trouble- because as a society, we're not going to discard our tech. But if it's the current design of the phones and the internet and the sites we run on them that is driving a lot of the problem, there's a very different way they could work that would put us all in a very different position. After you've adjusted your perspective in this way, seeing this as a debate between whether you are pro-tech or anti-tech is bogus and lets the people who stole your attention off the hook. The real debate is: What tech, designed for what purposes, in whose interests?
— Stolen Focus by Johann Hari (Page 126)