The Library of the Uncommons

Where Reality and Fiction Intertwine




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The Library of the Uncommons is a gathering place for those seeking to expand their literary horizons and share in their journey with others. No one genre is favored here in particular; readers are simply encouraged to explore that which excites them.

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Recent Books

Lily Brooks-Dalton: The Light Pirate (Hardcover, 2022, Grand Central Publishing) 5 stars

The Light Pirate


Florida is slipping away. As devastating weather patterns and rising sea levels gradually wreak havoc on the state’s infrastructure, a powerful hurricane approaches a small town on the southeastern coast. Kirby Lowe, an electrical line worker; his pregnant wife, Frida; and their two sons, Flip and Lucas, prepare for the …

Robin McKinley: Beauty (Hardcover, 1995, Random House Children's Books (A Division of Random House Group)) 4 stars



A retelling of the story Beauty and the Beast. There is also a sequel available titled Rose Daughter by Robin McKinley.