The Library of the Uncommons

Where Reality and Fiction Intertwine




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The Library of the Uncommons is a gathering place for those seeking to expand their literary horizons and share in their journey with others. No one genre is favored here in particular; readers are simply encouraged to explore that which excites them.

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Recent Books

Gaël Faye: Petit Pays (Français language, 2016) 5 stars

Petit Pays


"Burundi, 1992. Gabriel a 10 ans. Il vit dans un confortable quartier d'expatriés avec son père français, entrepreneur, sa mère rwandaise et sa petite soeur Ana. Alors que le jeune garçon voit avec inquiétude ses parents se séparer, la guerre civile se profile et, par vagues successives, la violence envahit …

James Ellroy: The big nowhere (Hardcover, 1988, Mysterious Press) 4 stars

The big nowhere


Red crosscurrents: the Commie Scare and a string of brutal mutilation killings. Gangland intrigue and Hollywood sleaze. Three cops caught in a hellish web of ambition, perversion, and deceit. All three men have purchased tickets to a nightmare.