The three

467 pages

English language

Published Nov. 12, 2014 by Hodder & Stoughton Ltd.

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1 star (1 review)

"They're here ... The boy. The boy watch the boy watch the dead people oh Lordy there's so many ... They're coming for me now. We're all going soon. All of us. Pastor Len warn them that the boy he's not to??- The last words of Pamela May Donald (1961 - 2012). Black Thursday. The day that will never be forgotten. The day that four passenger planes crash, at almost exactly the same moment, at four different points around the globe. There are only four survivors. Three are children, who emerge from the wreckage seemingly unhurt. But they are not unchanged. And the fourth is Pamela May Donald, who lives just long enough to record a voice message on her phone. A message that will change the world."--Https://

12 editions

Review of 'The three' on 'Goodreads'

1 star

Terribly frustrating read. Written in the same style as World War Z, about simultaneous plane crashes that mysteriously leave 3 (maybe 4 - that's supposed to be part of the intrigue) surviving children. Something's not right about the kids, though what exactly that is - along with what caused the plane crashes, not to mention any number of other critical details - is left unresolved.

Never found myself much caring about the characters, didn't enjoy the pacing (the first 2/3 of the book hints at what happened in the past, without ever actually saying what happened; when things start actually happening, it's entirely anti-climactic), and ultimately struggled to make it to the end.


  • Cults
  • End of the world
  • Survival
  • Airplane crash survival
  • Aircraft accidents
  • Fiction
  • Omens
  • Children