Die satanischen Verse


German language

Published Feb. 24, 2013 by btb.

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4 stars (9 reviews)

Über der englischen Küste wird ein Flugzeug in die Luft gesprengt. Die einzigen Überlebenden dieses Terroranschlags sind Gibril Farishta und Saladin Chamcha, zwei indische Schauspieler, die buchstäblich vom Himmel fallen und wie durch ein Wunder unversehrt bleiben. Doch nach dem Absturz gehen seltsame Dinge mit ihnen vor: Der Muslim Gibril zeigt immer mehr Ähnlichkeit mit dem Erzengel Gabriel, während sich Saladin, der stets seine Herkunft verleugnete, zu einem Abbild des Teufels entwickelt. Doch das ist erst der Beginn einer überwältigenden Odysee zwischen Gut und Böse, zwischen Fantasie und Realität.

source: www.randomhouse.de/ebook/Die-satanischen-Verse/Salman-Rushdie/btb-Taschenbuch/e441733.rhd

36 editions

Review of 'The Satanic Verses' on 'Storygraph'

4 stars

I listened to a fantastic old audio book version of The Satanic Verses. Somebody digitised it from a series of old cassette tapes and put it on the internet (thank you). I am not sure if it is the voice of Salman Rushdie himself, whoever it is, I would like to thank him so much for this brilliant work. 22 hours of listening pleasure during my walks to and from work. 
I always thought that this was a very serious book. But for most parts it is hilarious. It is also long winding, and I must admit that at some parts I dozed off, simply enjoying the very pleasant sound of the narrator’s voice.

Review of 'The Satanic Verses' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

I found this book enchanting, deep, and insightful in socio-political issues. The vast ground he covers in subject matter, culture and geography are really admirable.
Given the track record of religious fanatics, it is only natural that they will want him to be killed. Although I think, the matter escalated quickly not because he dared to depict a prophet as a human being but because he created a character very much like Ayatollah.

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