195 pages
English language
Published Nov. 17, 2018
Peter Wohlleben: The weather detective (2018)
195 pages
English language
Published Nov. 17, 2018
"At what temperature do bees stay home? Why do southerly winds in winter often bring storms? How can you plant a garden that tells the time, or know how many tumbles a hailstone has made through a cloud? These are among the many questions that international-bestselling author Peter Wohlleben poses in his newly translated book. Full of the very latest discoveries, combined with ancient, now forgotten lore, The Weather Detective helps you read nature's secret signs and discover a rich new layer of meaning in the natural world around you. Powerful and fascinating, with an eye toward wonder, Wohlleben's new masterpiece will remind you of the magic of Mother Nature, and teach you the hidden significance in everything from rain and wind and your garden soil to the pull of the moon."--Jacket.