

Paperback, 360 pages

chinese language

Published by 新星出版社.

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3 stars (1 review)

你是否正在尝试创作幻想小说,书写一段发生在奇幻国度、未来世界或遥远银河系的新传奇?这本新颖的创作指南正是为你设计的。 屡获殊荣的杰夫·范德米尔将创作各类幻想小说的经验秘笈都汇集在《奇迹之书》中。如果你立志成为幻想小说家,或已经是初中级阶段的写作者,本书定是你案头的必需品。丰富多彩的案例为你的写作提供动机和能量,精辟的文本从视点、情节、结构、角色塑造、对白、解说、设定等各方面提供实用信息,帮助你打磨写作技巧。 此外,书中还收录了诸多当世大家的专题文章、采访和随笔。

3 editions


3 stars

1) [From "What Is/What If: The Beauty of Mystery, by Karen Lord] "Fiction is both process and mystery, knowledge and imagination. It lies somewhere on a spectrum that begins with poetry and ends with statistics. It is art. It takes the forms and shapes of the real world and re-views them with new perception: the shade, texture, and weight of the subconscious and the unreal."

2) "All of these approaches are valid, depending on context, and each can achieve interesting artistic effects."

3) "As indicated, each of these approaches can work, as long as they don't represent a failure of control or thought. So much depends on the proper execution of your intent."

4) [George RR Martin on magic] "[If] you're going to have magic in your story, you have to keep it magical, so to speak. This is a supernatural element. It doesn't follow the laws of nature. It …


  • Rhetoric
  • Literature
  • Study and teaching
  • Imagery (Psychology)
  • English language
  • Originality in literature
  • Imagination
  • Aesthetics
  • Creative writing (Higher education)
  • Creation (Literary, artistic, etc.)
  • English language, rhetoric
  • English language, study and teaching
  • Creative writing
  • REFERENCE / Writing Skills
  • LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Composition & Creative Writing