First Do No Charm

, #1


5 stars (1 review)

When 45-year-old single mother Kay Grant accidentally unblocks her magical powers, her new world comes filled with darker threats than she’d ever imagined.

Kay Grant is having one of the worst and weirdest days of her life. She quits her job and, at a local mystical café and bookshop, finds a spell for unblocking energy. Her light-hearted attempt at casting it causes a wave of magic which unlocks her own latent powers.

The local witches are friendly and mostly welcoming, and Kay is delighted to find this fantastic new community. The ability to clean the house without having to do the sweeping isn’t a hardship, either. Her delight turns to dismay when she learns that not only are vampires real, one of them is on a killing spree, and the victims are all witches like her: unaffiliated with the local coven.

Now she has to decide – does she help …

1 edition

reviewed First Do No Charm by Joan Grey (Midlife Magic, #1)

Something's Fishy

5 stars

I've been a fan of Paranormal Women's Fiction since it came on the scene in March, 2020. The original 13 authors who all released books within a few days of each other established the niche and it's only grown larger and richer over time.

Joan Grey's novel drew me in from the first paragraphs with tight writing, engaging characters, and a world so real I could taste it. As with all of the stories in this niche, it revolves around discovered magic later in life. Kay Grant unwittingly unleashes her own and - as the saying goes - hijinks ensue.

I particularly liked the fish motif. I'm looking forward to seeing where that goes as the series unfolds.

Highly recommended.