Ha- Komandant me-Oshvits me'id

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Rudolf Höß: Ha- Komandant me-Oshvits me'id (Hebrew language, 1964, Hakebuts Hameuḥad)

286 pages

Hebrew language

Published June 28, 1964 by Hakebuts Hameuḥad.

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Written by Bernie Weisz Historian Pembroke Pines, Fl. April 11, 2010 e mail address:BernWei1@aol.com Title of Review: A Disturbing Description by a "Super-Sociopath"

I read this book many years ago in college and decided to reread it recently under the title "Commandant of Auschwitz". This book exemplifies the true meaning of a sociopath, a man who truly kills without conscience. Rudolf Hoess was history's greatest mass murderer, the architect and SS Commandant of the largest killing center ever created, the death camp of "Auschwitz" (located in Poland), whose name has come to symbolize humanity's ultimate, abject descent into evil. Responsible for exterminating over 2.5 million people (primarily Jews, as well as Gypsies, Homosexuals, and Russians), he was a mild-mannered, happily married man who enjoyed normal family life with his five children despite his view of the crematoriam chiminy stacks from his bedroom window. At peak efficiency, Auschwitz had the capacity …

15 editions


  • Auschwitz (Concentration camp)
  • World War, 1939-1945 -- Prisoners and prisons, German.