La roja insignia del valor

Hardcover, 216 pages

Spanish language

Published Nov. 7, 1997 by Ediciones Gaviota.

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3 stars (5 reviews)

Esta obra maestra de Stephen Crane, La roja insignia del valor, nos describe con terrible y desolada ironía un episodio de la guerra civil nortemericana. La novela constituye un valioso ejemplo del género de relato bélico, en el que se mezclan saviamente elementos reales y ficticios.

51 editions

Review of 'The red badge of courage' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

The characters' feelings and behaviors were all very believable. And the main character's self-talk and perceptions and bewilderment were sympathetic and heartbreaking.
The Romantic preoccupation with Nature might have been incongruous, except for that it helped reinforce the setting as firmly Victorian. Seemed appropriate for a Civil War story. It also seemed to me a very flowery language, and since I've recently been reading Romantic poets the audiobook felt like one long epic poem to me. Well, maybe not epic. Its scope was more humble. No characters here of pivotal importance in the war. But grand, anyway. Its subject was more like human nature than human politics/society/history.
I couldn't find on goodreads the audiobook version I listened to. It was good. Really well-chosen music accompanied several scenes for a few seconds at the beginnings or endings of some tracks. Also the reader was good, except that I thought the accents …

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  • Classics
  • Literature - Classics / Criticism
  • Spanish: Young Adult (Gr. 7-9)