Cheri reviewed Zombie Fallout by Mark Tufo
Review of 'Zombie Fallout' on 'Storygraph'
I was more than halfway done purely holding on to get the Z for my annual A-Z challenge but I can't listen to another word.
What started out as humorous and quirky turned into tired and crappy. The same sort of jokes over and over wore me down. The comments about a good looking lesbian being a waste and heterosexual conversions and "fags" pushed me over the edge. Well, what really pushed me over the edge was the handling of the POVs but I was so close to the edge by the time that started happening it didn't take much.
I tried increasing the speed of the audio book but even at 2x the normal rate, I couldn't spend another minute listening. I'll have to find a different book for the letter Z because I'm done with this one.