Oath of Swords

Paperback, 576 pages

English language

Published Dec. 26, 2006 by Baen.

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The creator of sf series heroine Honor Harrington turns successfully to fantasy. Bahzell is a prince of the Hradni, an outsize humanoid race prone to berserk rages. Due to a variety of circumstances, he becomes obliged to flee into regular humans' lands where Hradni are understandably unpopular. He and his companion survive a series of briskly paced adventures in a world Weber builds with a nice eye for detail, above-average knowledge of history, and a pleasing amount of wit. Moreover, the book's ending neither requires nor precludes a sequel. At the moment, Weber is not on a course to high honors or academic reputation but rather is emerging as a consistent producer of highly entertaining and intelligent action tales. Roland Green

3 editions


  • Fantasy
  • Fantasy - Historical
  • Fiction
  • Fiction - Fantasy
  • Fantasy - General
  • Fiction / Fantasy / General
  • Fantasy - Epic
  • Fantasy fiction