2 stars
DNF. I was told women would be dragons. Women were... mostly oppressed and silenced. Relentlessly depressing when I thought it would be galvanizing.
Paperback, 397 pages
chinese language
Published by 中信出版社.
【内容简介】 1955年4月25日,642987名女性化身巨龙,身后只留下火焰般的废墟、家暴丈夫的残骸,以及猥亵者的灰烬。 这是史上规模最大的群体性化龙事件。然而社会却因为羞耻而陷入沉默,政府的否认、媒体的封锁和大众的遗忘共同编织了一张忽视真相的网。人们装作一切如常,假装无事发生。 大规模化龙日那天,亚历克斯年仅8岁,她不明白为什么姨母化龙飞走了,而母亲却没有;她不明白表妹为什么成了亲妹。这个禁忌的话题里究竟还藏着多少秘密? 每一次振翅与喷火,都是她挣脱枷锁的怒吼
【编辑推荐】 设定大胆:“女人化龙”,魔幻现实主义设定,隐喻女性追求自由的极致想象。 父亲的缺位,母亲的早亡,化龙事件改变了小女孩的一生。世人以为沉默能够平息愤怒的烈焰,殊不知那烈焰早已在沉默中燎原。政府的否认、媒体的封锁和大众的遗忘,社会因为羞耻对此事只字不提。这个禁忌的话题下究竟还藏着多少秘密? 女性化龙自古有之?书中《化龙简史》揭开被历史尘封的女性面纱。真正的觉醒不是颠覆现有的社会规则,而是如水般柔和地与社会融为一体,成为浪潮。
DNF. I was told women would be dragons. Women were... mostly oppressed and silenced. Relentlessly depressing when I thought it would be galvanizing.
L'histoire d'une adolescente blanche dans les années 50, dans des États-Unis marqués par la transformation soudaine de plus de 600.000 femmes en dragons. Un récit plein de rage et de frustrations, d'émotions et de vie, sur le poids des non-dits, des silences imposés et d'une discipline intériorisée. Mais c'est aussi une histoire d'affirmation et, à terme, de libération. Un livre au concept un peu déroutant de prime à bord (ces transformations en dragons dans le décor terriblement figé et oppressif de l'Amérique des années 50) mais qui se révèle tellement attachant, et se lit d'une traite et accompagne durablement.
No, I can't be more coherent than that, I'm stuck on Kermit Flail mode at the moment.
I think this was the fastest I've ever read a book. The chapters are short and punchy in the beginning, each referencing a significant moment in the "authors" life. The book is written as a memoir with scientific journals/court docs/opinion piece in newspapers mixed in between.
I loved the descriptions of knot magic throughout the book as an avid knitter/crocheter/weaver, so that may be what was pulling me through the first half of the book.
I really appreciated that the dragon allegory and society's reaction to it in the book can be applied to several topics outside of the classic 1950's feminism talking points. Yes you can slap the "They're talking about women's periods" onto it and just leave it be, but the book does spend a healthy amount of time talking about the emotional "why" of dragons and if you're looking, it very much isn't a biological thing.
I …
I think this was the fastest I've ever read a book. The chapters are short and punchy in the beginning, each referencing a significant moment in the "authors" life. The book is written as a memoir with scientific journals/court docs/opinion piece in newspapers mixed in between.
I loved the descriptions of knot magic throughout the book as an avid knitter/crocheter/weaver, so that may be what was pulling me through the first half of the book.
I really appreciated that the dragon allegory and society's reaction to it in the book can be applied to several topics outside of the classic 1950's feminism talking points. Yes you can slap the "They're talking about women's periods" onto it and just leave it be, but the book does spend a healthy amount of time talking about the emotional "why" of dragons and if you're looking, it very much isn't a biological thing.
I feel this book lets readers take a few different things away from it, but it doesn't throw them in your lap. I feel like I had a better emotional experience with this book reading between the lines of characters actions, but I will acknowledge I have very similar life experiences to the main character.