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Amy Lane: Crocus (Paperback, 2018, Dreamspinner Press) 3 stars

Review of 'Crocus' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars


This was a good sequel. Not really necessary but a good addition nonetheless. I think if I hadn't read and fell in love with Jackson and Ellery in Fish Out of Water before I read this series I might have liked this series more. But Amy Lane did so much better with the portrayal of how it is when one half of the couple is in a dangerous job and puts themselves in the line of fire a lot of the time. I am tempted to revisit that series again even though I just finished it last month. This book has a lot of the same vibes as the Fish series but not as fleshed out. And it felt like there were so many things crammed into one book. And I felt that Larx and Aaron didn't really work out all of the kinks of their relationship and that …

Amy Lane: Bonfires (Paperback, 2017, Dreamspinner Press LLC) 3 stars

Review of 'Bonfires' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars


This was different from the other books I have read by Amy Lane,i.e., the Fish Out of Water series. This was more along the lines of how a queer couple finds love after loss (albeit an old one) and how they come out to the world amidst rampant homophobia. I liked the portrayal of Larks and wish I had teachers like him when I was younger. And it was nice to see these teachers as human. They were passionate about helping the kids but were held back by how much they could actually do to help them according to the rules.

Though the relationship developed quite quickly between Larks and Aaron I think the fact that the two of them knew each other for years through their kids and them developing a relationship during a turbulent time made it seem plausible. This book had a HEA but there is …

Adira August: Matchstick Men (Paperback, 2019, Independently published) 3 stars

Review of 'Matchstick Men' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars


This was a good intro to this series. We get snippets into the lives of Hunter and Camden. But only glimpses. I would've liked to have learnt a bit more about the 2 of them. Especially as the mystery was mediocre at best. But I am looking forward to reading the nest in series.

Review of "Glen and Tyler's Paris Double-Cross" on 'Goodreads'

4 stars


I am loving this series. Who wouldn't love the Gay Billionaire Couple? Glen & Tyler, on the surface, are like 2 rich frat boys but as I have read through three of their adventures by now I know that is just a facade that they both use(not just Tyler) to fool people.

This particular adventure was good but not as great as the first two. I know there were more Bond/Spy elements and they were great but I felt that because Tyler had the project he was working on separately from Glen for most of a year was a disappointment for me. I know Glen was working on his doctorate and that this was how their relationship worked, with Tyler trying to show off for Glen which Glen lets Tyler do. But even knowing all of that I just wanted Glen to know everything.

While that was the only …

Review of 'School of Fish' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars


YES! I LOVED this book. It had all of the things I love in this series all wrapped up in this book. It had action romance and so much growth on the part of both Ellery and Jackson in this relationship. Jackson finally trusts himself and knows he is worthy of the love Ellery has for him and Ellery knows he can't change all of Jackson and is making peace with Jackson going in to danger but with backup this time. I think all of what was missing from the last book I got in heaps in this one. I wish there was more to read in this series other than the next book.

Review of 'Fish in a Barrel' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars


This series kept up with its awesomeness from the last book. It just got better. I cannot believe it took us 7 books to see Ellery in action in court. Though it was only a glimpse I still appreciated the hell out of it. This book expanded on Ellery and Jackson finally finding a balance in their lives with Jackson's need to help everyone even if that means putting himself in danger and Ellery's constant worry of Jackson getting hurt or worse, dying. They have both come a long way in their relationship and that I felt was the payoff for me for sticking to this series through all of these books. That last chapter helped a lot too. This installment had me in tears at a few points what with so many people hurt and in pain both physical and emotional but there was also a hopeful note …

Review of 'Fish on a Bicycle' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars


I love this series and was happy to note that a new book in the series was released recently. That gave me the incentive to reread the books I had already read and go on to read the ones I haven't yet.

I have to say out of the books I have read so far, this rates the lowest in my mind. A great book but not up to par with the predecessors. The reason for that I think was that the balance between the case and the personal struggles of Jackson and Ellery was a bit off towards the latter. One of the reasons I love this series is that I get the action, romance and angst in all the right measurements. But in the case of this book it seemed like it was mostly angst. If this were a standalone I would probably have given it a …

Review of 'How to Vex a Vampire (VRC: Vampire Related Crimes)' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars


The author obviously has a formula with her pairings and she is sticking to it. And that is the Grumpy - Sunshine trope and I have to say I am not mad. Though there were similarities between the characters of this series and the Medium Trouble series there were enough differences in the characters and plot that it did not make it seem like I was reading the same book. I think I didn't help myself by reading these books back to back.

All in all though there is a mystery in this book I felt like more attention was given to the MC's getting closer than the nitty gritty of solving the case. I felt like it was an afterthought. There was more progress in the over a decade old case of what/who is stalking Finn than there was in the drug case that was the main case …

Katie Griffin, AJ Sherwood: How to Shield an Assassin (Paperback, 2019, Independently published) 3 stars

Review of 'How to Shield an Assassin' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars


I really needed to suspend my disbelief while reading this book. While I do that regardless of the kind of fiction I am reading this really needed to do a lot of it while reading this book. I mean an 8 year old cannot possibly be OK with hearing her abuser being killed by someone she asked for help and who immediately adopted her within 30 min of meeting her and still have a partly well adjusted life. But it was a fun romp of a read and I have decided to let go of expecting this book to have an impeccable plot. I just wanted a book to distract me from having completed all of the Henri Davenforth books and it did the job very well.

Honor Raconteur, Ashlee Dilsaver: Magic Outside the Box (Paperback, 2019, Independently published) 3 stars

Review of 'Magic Outside the Box' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars


This was reminiscent of all of the anime I've seen with a locked room mystery. I absolutely love those. The solution is sometimes both convoluted and simple and that was the case here. In this mystery the journey to catching the perpetrator was better than actually catching him inn the sense that it was anticlimactic. Part of the reason in the comeuppance of one of the recurring characters in this series was more satisfying. This is also where Jamie and Henri are starting to feel a bit more for each other and I am loving the progression. On to the next book.

Honor Raconteur, Katie Griffin: Charms and Death and Explosions (Paperback, 2019, Independently published, Independently Published) 4 stars

Review of 'Charms and Death and Explosions' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars


This book is not what I expected. In a good way. I was expecting a run of the mill cozy mystery with a murder/crime taking place, our protagonists finding clues, finding a red herring and then finally cottoning on to the solution towards the end of the book. While the plot more or less follows that particular blueprint there is so much more that happens on the way to the solution of the mystery.

Though this story starts off with a car bomb, that particular mystery diverts Henri's and Jamie's attention to the problem of bad/forged charms that claim to keep out sickness. This is one of the few times that there is no sympathy for the victims. And that was refreshing to see.

I have always wondered how it would be to be transported back into the past or into the world of some of my favourite fantasy …

K. D. Edwards: The Hanged Man (Paperback, 2019, Pyr) 3 stars

Review of 'The Hanged Man' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars


In a lot of ways I liked this book a lot better than I did the previous entry. We got to see more of the bond between Brand and Rune as both companion/bonded and as well as friends, more of Quinn and a resolution to Max's troubles that were revealed in the first book. The machinations that went into bringing down the Hanged man were very entertaining to read.

But what makes me rate this book low is the amount of pain in this book. I am not averse to reading sad books, or about atrocities being committed to people in books. And there are books that do it very well and with a lot of sensitivity. This book has done the same. It might be that at the moment I am not upto reading about all of the bad things done to Rune or being done to others …

Jeffe Kennedy: Dark Wizard (Paperback, 2021, Brightlynx Publishing) 2 stars

Review of 'Dark Wizard' on 'Goodreads'

2 stars


I was disappointed by the book. I expected to like it a lot better than I did. The magic system sounded great on the blurb but the execution fell sort in that it didn't make a lot of sense.

I get that Familiars are the lesser of the magical people and they need wizards to be able to expend excess magical energy. their society or the Convocation as it is called here has set up a lot of rules that inhibit a familiars freedom. It is implied that being a wizard or familiar is more of a biological thing and that was different. I get why Nic ran. I mean who would want to live as a familiar when you are treated as a non entity. But when she realizes she has a Fascination or in our terms an irrational liking to Gabriel she runs because then she would …

reviewed Shen ye shi tang by Yarō Abe (Pu rui wen hua)

Yarō Abe: Shen ye shi tang (Chinese language, 2013, Hu'nan Wen Yi chu ban she) 3 stars

Review of 'Shen ye shi tang' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars


I did not know Midnight Diner was a manga originally. I shouldn't have been surprised though. I saw these understated books in the manga section at a Kinokuniya last year and was intrigued. When I searched for food related manga I realized those books were Midnight Diner volumes. I immediately had to read at least one volume. I enjoyed this manga quite a bit. I love reading mangas about food and what they mean to people. And the Japanese seem to be good at putting those emotions on paper. Though I have watched the series and the movies there were a few stories on this volume that were not in the adaptations which felt like a bonus for me. I think I am going to read more of this manga as the year goes on. And maybe try and find others like it too.