Harlander rated Armageddon's Arrow: 4 stars

Armageddon's Arrow by Dayton Ward (Pocket Books Star Trek)
When the U.S.S. Enterprise encounters an alien vessel that is actually a weapon capable of destroying entire worlds, her crew …
I write superhero and scifi books by night, and I'm a security guard by later at night.
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When the U.S.S. Enterprise encounters an alien vessel that is actually a weapon capable of destroying entire worlds, her crew …
When renegade starships wreak destruction across the quadrant, Captain Jean-Luc Picard and the crew of the U.S.S. Enterprise are shocked …
Amoral, shrouded in secrecy, and answerable to no one, Section 31 is the mysterious covert operations division of Starfleet, a …
In the thousand-sun network of humanity's expansion, new colony worlds are struggling to find their way. Every new planet lives …
"The entire sector is waiting to see what the newly reopened Bajoran wormhole will mean for the shifting political landscape …
The wedding of Captain Jean-Luc Picard to Doctor Beverly Crusher was a small, private affair overseen by the mayor of …
Kirsten Beyer: Acts of contrition (2014)
As Admiral Kathryn Janeway prepares to open diplomatic relations with the Confederacy, Voyager's captain, who cannot forget the horrors upon …
He was perhaps the ultimate human achievement: a sentient artificial life-form - self-aware, self-determining, possessing a mind and body far …
Business is down at Quark's Public House, Café, Gaming Emporium, Holosuite Arcade, and Ferengi Embassy to Bajor. Way down. Lower …
Following the destruction of four fleet vessels at the hands of the Omega Continuum, the U.S.S. Voyager and U.S.S. Demeter …
Following the resolution of the fertility crisis that nearly caused their extinction, the Andorian people now stand ready to rejoin …
"One simple act, and the troubles of the United Federation of Planets have grown darker overnight. The mystery behind the …
David Alan Mack: Fall (2013, Simon & Schuster, Limited)
The third original novel in the electrifying The Next Generation/Deep Space Nine crossover event! THE NEEDS OF THE MANY Despite …
Cardassia Prime is home to a prideful people who, for centuries, forged alliances with those they believed would strengthen them …
After the destruction of the original space station by a rogue faction of the Typhon Pact, Miles O'Brien and Nog …