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Joined 2 years, 1 month ago

I read many more books than I write - it takes longer!.

(one self-published book)

(I still write a diary some of which I publish in a blog though)

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Robert Newman: Manners (Paperback, 1998, Hamish Hamilton Ltd) 3 stars

Review of 'Manners' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

Delicious show-off of knowledge of North-London streets and atmosphere.

But not too sure I buy the rest. Especially I don't like the idea of a woman 'enjoying' physical violence. Too much of a male fantasy for it to sound real, let alone what message is intended to the readership, hey, try this, women are likely to enjoy extreme violence?
Then the narrator goes mad and homeless. I missed some explanation of the steps that people who care always take to at least try avoid this happening, and this man did have people around him who cared.

I admire this author for his other works that I have watched/read though.

George Vithoulkas: The science of homeopathy (1980, Grove Press : distributed by Random House) 4 stars

Review of 'The science of homeopathy' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

Not too memorable. The end wants to be epic yet the 'epilogue' makes it so ... 'cinematographic' and in making it so, it only becomes 'pedestrian'.

So ... two people decide they are so in love because of three conversations? Who knows, it may have been so in those times. But if it were, the novel needs to explain it, and this one doesn't.

Alexandre Dumas: The Three Musketeers (2006, Signet Classics) 4 stars

A young Gascon nobleman, d'Artagnan, sets off for Paris in hopes of joining the Musketeers. …

Review of 'The three musketeers' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

Si, claro que lo lei. Me parecio un testimonio de primera mano muy interesante, una especie de viaje de descubrimiento contado de una manera muy sentida y directa. Un testimonio importante sobre todo tambien por la falta de literatura en espanol sobre el tema. Quizas como critica, visto desde el punto de vista de lector experto, hubiese necesitado una edicion periodistica o literaria, porque se quiere contar muchas cosas y algunas se cuentan repetidas o de distinta manera, y a veces se intenta abarcartemas que no cabrian ni en cien libros, pero claro,eso le hubiese quitado la frescura de la escritura.