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BookBeetle's books

Currently Reading (View all 14)

Willa Cather: O Pioneers! (2013) 5 stars

O Pioneers! is a 1913 novel by American author Willa Cather, written while she was …

Alexan­dra drew her shawl clos­er about her and stood lean­ing against the frame of the mill, look­ing at the stars which glit­tered so keen­ly through the frosty au­tumn air. She al­ways loved to watch them, to think of their vast­ness and dis­tance, and of their or­dered march. It for­ti­fied her to re­flect up­on the great op­er­a­tions of na­ture, and when she thought of the law that lay be­hind them, she felt a sense of per­son­al se­cu­ri­ty. That night she had a new con­scious­ness of the coun­try, felt al­most a new re­la­tion to it. Even her talk with the boys had not tak­en away the feel­ing that had over­whelmed her when she drove back to the Di­vide that af­ter­noon. She had nev­er known be­fore how much the coun­try meant to her. The chirp­ing of the in­sects down in the long grass had been like the sweet­est mu­sic. She had felt as if her heart were hid­ing down there, some­where, with the quail and the plover and all the lit­tle wild things that crooned or buzzed in the sun. Un­der the long shag­gy ridges, she felt the fu­ture stir­ring.

O Pioneers! by  (25%)

Gary Krist: The white cascade (2007, Henry Holt and Company) 4 stars

"In February 1910, a monstrous blizzard hit Washington State. High in the Cascade Mountains near …

Interesting time in history

4 stars

I was reading this right when the RR unions were standing up in 2022, so it was an interesting parallel.

Before reading this I knew little about the history of the rail roads or the Paciffic North West. It was an interesting time. I recently read The Indifferent Stars Above about the Donner Party and an earlier period of westward migration. This book was an interesting companion to that one.

It was also interesting to read about an age when the telegraph was so critical.