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Bhimrao Ambedkar: Buddha or Karl Marx (2018, Independently Published)
A. Rā Kulakarṇī: Explorations in the Deccan history (2006, Pragati Publications in association with Indian Council of Historical Research)
A. Rā Kulakarṇī: Maharashtra (2000, Books & Books)
Hiroshi Fukazawa: The Medieval Deccan (1999, Oxford University Press, USA)
Manan Ahmed Asif: Loss of Hindustan (2023, Harvard University Press)
Karen Radner: Ancient Assyria (2015, Oxford University Press)
Sumit Guha, Padma Kaimal, K. Sivaramakrishnan, Anand A. Yang: History and Collective Memory in South Asia, 1200?2000 (2019, University of Washington Press)
Sheldon I. Pollock: Forms of knowledge in early modern Asia (2011, Duke University Press)
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