Steven Ray rated Cuba libre: 4 stars

Cuba libre by Elmore Leonard
E-book extras: "Martin Amis Interviews 'The Dickens of Detroit'"; Elmore Leonard's "If It Sounds Like Writing, Rewrite It"; "All By …
Sound & visual artist and poet. Former IT guy. Raised on the right coast, livin’ on the left one.
I tend to focus on poetry, social justice non-fiction, socialism, literary journals and novels.
Some favorite authors: Joan Didion, Samuel Beckett, C.D. Wright, Patti Smith and Noam Chomsky.
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E-book extras: "Martin Amis Interviews 'The Dickens of Detroit'"; Elmore Leonard's "If It Sounds Like Writing, Rewrite It"; "All By …
The Dharma Bums is a 1958 novel by Beat Generation author Jack Kerouac. The basis for the novel's semi-fictional accounts …
Great first line, it had to be polished, “It is a truth universally acknowledged that a zombie in possession of …
Originally published in 1932, this outstanding work of literature is more crucial and relevant today than ever before. Cloning, feel-good …
The Metamorphosis (German: Die Verwandlung) is a novella written by Franz Kafka which was first published in 1915. One of …
From [wikipedia][1]:
Crime and Punishment (Russian: Преступлéние и наказáние, tr. Prestupleniye i nakazaniye; IPA: [prʲɪstʊˈplʲenʲə ɪ nəkɐˈzanʲə]) is a novel …
Dzalaladdin Rumi, Jalāl al-Dīn Rūmī, Jalal ad-Din Muhammad Rumi: The essential Rumi (2004, HarperSanFrancisco)
Jelaluddin Rumi was born in the year 1207 and until the age of thirty-seven was a brilliant scholar and popular …
The Subterraneans is a 1958 novella by Beat Generation author Jack Kerouac. It is a semi-fictional account of his short …
L'Étranger est le premier roman publié d’Albert Camus, paru en 1942. Il prend place dans la tétralogie que Camus nommera …
Controversial and bizarre cult novel based on the author’s own experiences as a drug addict, first published in 1959. Formed …