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a small horde of ideas rated Goddess Chronicle: 4 stars
a small horde of ideas rated Volume V: 3 stars
a small horde of ideas rated Do Design: 4 stars
a small horde of ideas rated The 24-hour wine expert: 5 stars
Sangre de Tinta / Ink Blood (Las Tres Edades / the Three Ages) by Cornelia Funke
Dustfinger has found a Silvertoung named Orpheus to read him back to Inkworld but after he is read in Farid …
a small horde of ideas rated Burning chrome: 5 stars
Burning chrome by William Gibson
Kiberpanko rinkinukas, prasideda Džoniu Mnemoniku...
a small horde of ideas rated End of Alzheimer's: 5 stars
a small horde of ideas rated Providence Act 2: 3 stars
a small horde of ideas rated Video Game Plotline Tester: 5 stars
a small horde of ideas rated The Rubber Band (Stout, Rex): 5 stars
Fiction Story the Mysterious Affair at Styles by Agatha Christie by Agatha Christie
Set in the summer of 1917 in an Essex country estate, the story follows the war-wounded Captain Arthur Hastings to …