Alina Adams

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Dear Readers, At age 10, I watched Lost in Space in the morning, and General Hospital in the afternoon. By 13, I'd moved on to devouring Sidney Sheldon novels and prime-time soaps. I wrote my first romance novel at 17. I didn't show it to anyone, but, ten years later, I did go back and reread it. It wasn't very good. But, it wasn't too bad, either.

I started sending manuscripts out to publishers when I was 22, but, it wasn't until three years later that I sold my first novel -The Fictitious Marquis, a Regency Romance - to AVON Books. My second Regency, Thieves at Heart, came out a year later. But, deep in my heart, I missed the larger-than-life characters and tense, romantic situations I'd cut my teeth on during my soap opera and Sidney Sheldon days. I knew I wanted to write contemporary romances more than anything.

Annie's Wild Ride, is my first contemporary romance, and, during the months I was writing it, I became obsessed with the characters. Every song I heard on the radio reminded me of them. Every conversation I had with friends and family was mined for lines my characters could say. For …

Books by Alina Adams