James L. Sutter

Author details

March 1, 1984

External links

James Lafond Sutter filled many positions at Paizo Inc. during his 13-year tenure at the company: webstore intern, customer service agent, Assistant Editor on Dragon, Fiction Editor (overseeing the Pathfinder Tales line from its inception until 2017), Senior Editor, and eventually Creative Director of the Starfinder brand, which launched in 2017. His Pathfinder Tales novels, Death's Heretic and The Redemption Engine are fan-favorites, and were both honored with critical accolades. In September 2017, Sutter left Paizo to pursue other writing endeavors including working on comics and author-owned fiction. In addition to the RPG products listed below, he is also the author of numerous short stories in such venues as Catastrophia (PS Publishing), Apex Magazine, and Black Gate, and the editor of the anthology Before They Were Giants: First Works From Science Fiction Greats released under Paizo's Planet Stories imprint. Aside from writing, he has toured modestly with several bands and musical projects, including the now-defunct hardcore metal band Shadow at Morning. For a complete list of his musical, literary, or gaming projects, please visit his website at www.jameslsutter.com.

Books by James L. Sutter