pdotb@wyrms.de reviewed Half-Earth Socialism by Troy Vettese
Lots of interesting stuff, but ultimately a bit unsatisfying?
4 stars
Half-Earth Socialism is bracketed by two pieces of, I don't know, science fiction, describing a mid-century earth that's a geoengineering dystopia, and then a half-earth socialist utopia. In between is a lot of really thought-provoking material about topics such as BECCS, nuclear power, and other forms of half-earth rewilding, together with a discussion of neoliberalism and the socialist calculation problem. There's some really interesting, if a little mind-bending, description of how society could function without money. Ultimately, though, I'm not sure I'm convinced by the model they describe, nor by the way we might get there and, can I confess, I wasn't thrilled at the mention of dormitories in the future utopia?