Matthew Royal reviewed Small is the new big by Seth Godin
Review of 'Small is the new big' on 'Goodreads'
4 stars
"Riffs" is right. These range from mini blog posts to random thought dump to meditations, after which you imagine Godin's enraptured audience intoning "Selah."
They're personal insights he had during the week, but even Godin unbelievers will find it useful since he documents them compares, contrasts, and inverts them to understand WHY. I deeply agree with his worldview that the only way to know whether something works is to try it and measure it, then try alternatives and measure those, think about the numbers, formulate a theory, try it out, then measure it.
Also, customers are smart people who buy more when you respect them. Many marketers don't realize the contrapositive is also true.