Review of 'Malaeska; the Indian wife of the white hunter.' on 'Goodreads'
2 stars
I forced myself to read this story because it was the original "dime novel." The purple prose made it difficult to get through, and social ideas that were commonly acceptable back in 1860 make for rather terrible, if moderately laughable, reading now, such as referring to Native Americans as "savages" and in one sentence confirming that a man is terribly prejudiced and referring to him as "a just man." The whole thing ends up sounding like a warning against interracial marriage which will cause constant tragedy that even God can't prevent. There was also a glaring continuity error near the end. The only reason I gave it two stars instead of one is that it is a useful cultural reference. I would never recommend this to someone just wanting an enjoyable read, I would only recommend it for its historical relevance.