Der Lange Krieg

Eine Welt ist nicht genug , #2

Paperback, 576 pages

German language

Published by Manhattan.

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4 stars (11 reviews)

"Der lange Krieg" ist ein Science Fiction Roman der britischen Autoren Terry Pratchett und Stephen Baxter. Es ist eine Fortsetzung zu ihrem Roman "Die lange Erde". Es ist das zweite in einer Reihe von fünf Büchern.

5 editions

Review of 'The Long War' on 'Storygraph'

1 star

Now, would I recommend this book? Hell no! I know a few people who really were engrossed by the world-building and who really enjoy the whole series of books, but to me, with hindsight, even the first book had some of the issues of this book.

If you really like world-building this book might be a pretty enjoyable and rompy read, but don’t expect a good story. I think you can read it for the vignettes of worlds, but the book is absolutely bereft of growth. For the most part, it’s characters in vague search of a plot and the titular long war that never comes.

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