Welcome to Dorley Hall

, #1

English language

Published May 30, 2022

5 stars (1 review)

Mark Vogel is like the older brother Stefan Riley never had, until one day he disappears, and Stefan has to adapt to life without him. But, one year later, when he runs into a girl who looks near-identical to Mark, Stefan becomes obsessed. He discovers that other boys have disappeared, too, dozens over the years, most of them students of the Royal College of Saint Almsworth, many of them troubled or unruly before their disappearance.

What is happening to these boys? Who are the handful of women on campus who bear a striking resemblance to some of those who went missing? And what is the connection to the mysterious Dorley Hall?

Stefan works hard to get into the Royal College for one reason and one reason only: to find out exactly what happened to the women who live at Dorley Hall, and to get it to happen to him, too. …

1 edition

reviewed Welcome to Dorley Hall by Alyson Greaves (The Sisters of Dorley, #1)

Absurdly Good

5 stars

This feels like one of those jokes that went too far and then struck gold. It takes a very niche story trope—there's a secret conspiracy feminizing young men into girls!—and turns it on its ear—a trans girl discovers the conspiracy and accidentally-on-purpose gets herself "captured." But then it peoples this whacky story with a raft of deftly-drawn and inescapably human characters, a labyrinthine backstory, and a compelling day-to-day progression of multiple plotlines. And the end result is one of the most incisive examinations of dysphoria ever produced. I cannot recommend this book (and its sequels) highly enough!