Jürgen Hubert wants to read „Neger, Neger, Schornsteinfeger!“ by Hans J. Massaquoi
I wish all those books about the Third Reich weren't so terribly, terribly relevant these days.
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I wish all those books about the Third Reich weren't so terribly, terribly relevant these days.
I snagged this book while visiting the Open Air Museum in Cloppenburg (which I recommend highly to anyone interested in the history and lifestyle of rural farms in Northwestern Germany - just make sure you have an entire day's worth of time to see all of it).
This book details the life and problems of rural tenant farmers in Northwestern Germany - people who did not own their own land, but had to rent it from the wealthier farmers and do manual labor for those same farmers in order to get by.
There are reasons why approximately 5.5 million Germans emigrated in the 19th century up until WWI, and the desperate poverty of much of the rural population is a huge part of it. #Germany #history #farming
I lived in #Aachen for seven years - and now I work for a company headquartered there.
So my plan is that whenever I visit the city for business reasons - which usually happens once a year - I will buy another book from this series which describes a particular period of #history in the city - and each is several hundreds of pages long.
I think there are at least five volumes, and likely more.