Great Science Fiction Public

Created by Mark

I read a LOT of sci-fi, including various subgenres such as hard sci-fi, New Wave, New Weird, steampunk, space opera, queer sff, Afrofuturism, climate fiction, post-apocalyptic, alternate history, cyberpunk, Arabesque, singularity/transhumanism, satire, and international works in translation (Chinese, Korean, South Asian, Central European). My reading takes me from the golden age to the present.

  1. The Snow (Gollancz) by 

    4 stars

    'The snow started falling on the sixth of September, soft noiseless flakes filling the sky like a swarm of white …

  2. Underground airlines by 

    4 stars

    "It is the present-day, and the world is as we know it: smartphones, social networking and Happy Meals. Save for …

  3. Artemis by 

    4 stars

    JASMINE BASHARA never signed up to be a hero. She just wanted to get rich.

    Not crazy, eccentric-billionaire rich, like …

  4. Chaga by 

    4 stars

  5. Ministry for the Future by ,

    4 stars

    Established in 2025, the purpose of the new organization was simple: To advocate for the world's future generations and to …

  6. Luna: New Moon by 

    4 stars

    Having woven intricate and gripping plots around thought provoking looks at the future of countries like India, Brazil and Turkey, …

  7. 2034: A Novel of the Next World War by ,

    4 stars

    On March 12, 2034, US Navy Commodore Sarah Hunt is on the bridge of her flagship, the guided missile destroyer …

  8. Startide Rising by 

    4 stars

    David Brin: “Startide Rising” (1983) This is a sci fi story about a Terran (Earth) crew of neo-dolphins and humans …

  9. A Second Chance at Eden by 

    4 stars

    For new readers of Peter Hamilton, A Second Chance at Eden is a great introduction into the universe of The …

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