The Wizard's Butler (Paperback, 2020, Durandus Ltd., YUNY) 4 stars

For five grand a month and a million dollar chaser, Roger Mulligan didn't care how …

Review of "The Wizard's Butler" on 'Goodreads'

4 stars


Another great Cozy fantasy. This seems my year to try my hand out with this genre. I had no idea this genre was even a thing till I came across The House Witch by Delemhach. In the instance of this book it was from the POV of someone not of the world of magic. Roger Mulligan, the butler from the title, has no magic but is the butler for Mr. Shackleford who is one. Or one who claims to be a wizard.

It was refreshing to see Roger being a sceptic at first and slowly start to believe in the magic of Shackleford house. And to start to find contentment in the work of a butler. Though there was an overarcing conflict - the relatives trying to get their hands on the house) and a mystery of if Shackleford had dementia or was it magical in nature I felt this was more a story of how Mulligan found himself coping with being a Butler and finding a calling. From what I have seen I think there is going to be another book in the series and I sincerely hope there is another. I don't think we have heard the last of a few people in this story and I am looking forward to seeing where it leads.