Ilona Andrews: Sweep of the Heart (2022, Nancy Yost Literary Agency, Nancy Yost Literary Agency, Inc) 4 stars

Review of 'Sweep of the Heart' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars


This was the best in the series so far for me. It was luckily also the longest. It has musltiple characters, political intrigue, assassins, pirates, spousal selections of the likes of the Mahabharat and a few chuckles too. Best of all it forwarded the overarcing plot of the corruption and we finally got to meet a few of this fabled Assembly.

I am on a high from reading this book but I am also depressed that I do not have the next installment and do not know when I will have it my hands. This is the curse of reading an ongoing series and in this case I am resigned to is as this ongoing series is awesome. The ending has left me with a lot of questions that I am hoping will be answered soon.

Coming to the relationships in this book it had a lot of different kinds. This book was about a ruler selecting someone to basically have genetically enhanced babies with. Not a lot of romance in that but the authors proved me wrong. There was also the showcasing of familial love and that of one between an inn and its innkeeper. What I love about Ilona Andrews books is that once the MC's become romantically involved they have quite a lot of trust in each other. And that shines through in this book.