Sacha Lamb: When the Angels Left the Old Country (Hardcover, 2022, Levine Querido) 3 stars

Distinguished by Tone and Memorable Character Writing

3 stars

The strengths here were the ethereal, fairy tale feeling of the writing, and the characterization of Ash and Uriel. The characters felt ageless, both old and young, which is a tricky thing to pull off. There were some good explorations of identity and the importance of choosing it for oneself rather than being imposed from the outside.

The Ash-Uriel dynamic was strong and Ash's increasing discomfort with Uriel becoming more human had a lot of depth.

It got more creative toward the end, but for a while it seemed like they were solving their problems by just killing people.

A bit rushed toward the end and Sullivan didn't do much for me as a villain. He was kind of just a goon.