A Deadly Education (Paperback, 2021, Del Rey) 4 stars

There are no teachers, no holidays, and no friendships, save strategic ones. Survival is more …

Excellent Trilogy Starter

No rating

I put a lot of weight on the main character, and El is relatable in a prickly, keep-your-distance kind of way. Thoroughly enjoyable to read.

The magic system was unique and very well thought out. The social commentary was obvious, but enjoyable. I'm interested to see if they expand the worldbuilding beyond the school in the later books.

I desperately want a My Immortal version of this, and it's also sort of like this is a somehow good version of My Immortal.

Drawbacks: El does tend to infodump. It's also painfully obvious that this is the first part of a trilogy rather than a complete story. Not sure I've ever read a book where that was so obvious.