User Profile


Joined 2 years, 3 months ago

I am a GenX reader looking to expand my comfort zone. I have a ridiculous commute and am back in school so, for now, all my reading for pleasure is via audiobooks. I love sci-fi, fantasy, hard-boiled detectives, crime novels, Terry Pratchett and Thomas Hardy.

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Kentucky's books

To Read

Currently Reading


Archer Mayor: Open Season (Joe Gunther Mysteries) (1994, Mysterious Press) 5 stars

My review of Book 1 of the Joe Gunther series: Open Season, by Archer Mayo

5 stars

My commute this year keeps me on the road about 16 hours a week. I used to rely on podcasts, but I joined Libby and started listening to books instead. I can be new author-shy, so if I can find a series that I enjoy, I am in heaven. I really am enjoying this series. The characters feel natural and the writing is strong. I live in Vermont, where the series takes place, and that adds an extra level of fun.