
Stories by a woman writer from Canada. In Seven and Counting, a young woman copes …

Review of 'Traplines' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

First, let me start off by saying that I adore Eden Robinson--at least what I know of her. I've had the pleasure of meeting her, and she is charming and lovely. She has the most beautiful laugh I have ever heard, bar none.

However, I do not like her books. Oh, don't get me wrong. They're well-written, which is why I've given this three stars. But Ms. Robinson is a very bloody-minded (in the older meaning of the term) writer! This book gave me nightmares.

In some ways, her subject matter is similar to that of Miriam Toews. She writes of young people in circumstances of neglect, abuse, addiction, etc. I don't shrink from reading of such things, but Robinson takes it to a level beyond what I can stomach--bordering on horror. One of the stories reminds me of the Paxton "torture trial" currently going on in Calgary.

Robinson's writing is stark and effective. Her brief descriptions are rich in mood. (e.g. "The sun crawled up the sky.") Her stories tell of life's underbelly and are probably more true to live than I care to think. But there are some aspects of life I simply don't want to examine that closely.