Claire North: Touch (2015) 4 stars

"He tried to take my life. Instead I took his. It was a long time …

Review of 'Touch' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

Man. Okay, so my initial assessment, that the author was somehow failing to make me like the protagonist, was only half right. She WAS leaving me disconnected to the main character, but it was both purposeful and surprisingly effective. I won't spoil anything, but the story's resolution embodied the nature of Kepler very well.

That being said, the only thing holding me back from a 5-star review was the flatness of the 'ghosts' themselves. I can see why they were so less-than-human, and it served the story well that they were, but I still found it hard to be satisfied with it. Ah, well.

The narration, however, was incredible, and I'll be looking for more books read by Peter Kenny. Absolutely incredible.