
quoted Anarchist Banker by Fernando Pessoa

Anarchist Banker (2018, Guernica Editions, Incorporated) 3 stars

The story of The Anarchist Banker takes place in a Lisbon café where the narrator …

"“A revolutionary regime, for as long as it lasts, and whatever its purpose or idea might be, is materially only one thing—a revolutionary regime. Now a revolutionary regime means a war dictatorship, or more clearly, a despotic military regime, because a state of war is imposed on society through a part of it—that part which assumed power through revolution. What is the result? The result is that whoever adapts himself to this regime adapts himself to a despotic military government for that is what it is materially at first. The idea that guided the revolutionaries, the purpose to which they had aimed, has disappeared completely in the new social reality, dominated entirely by a war mentality. So what has arisen from a revolutionary dictatorship—and the more firmly the dictatorship is established, the longer it will last—is a militarized society of a dictatorial type, that is, a military despotism. It cannot be otherwise. And it has always been so. I don’t know much history, but that which I know fits with what I have said; it could not avoid it. What came of the political troubles of Rome? The Roman Empire and its military despotism. What came of the French Revolution? Napoleon and his military despotism. And you will see what will come of the Russian Revolution … Something that will retard for decades the realization of a free society … Besides, what can be expected from a society of illiterates and mystics? …"

Anarchist Banker by , (27%)

This is not turning like the book I expected, at all... :O