Karen Marie Moning: Iced (Hardcover, 2012, Delacorte Press) 3 stars

The year is 1 AWC—After the Wall Crash. The Fae are free and hunting us. …

Review of 'Iced' on 'Goodreads'

1 star

I don't think I've ever finished a book I disliked as much as this one.

Firstly, Dani's narrative was so jarring and off-putting that I read the entire book at arm's length. I skimmed, read as fast as possible, because according to the brief research I'd done it was important to know the details of this book before continuing with the series. But ewwww do I wish I had just found myself some spoilers online and skipped it entirely.

I recognize that Dani is young. But either Moning cannot convincingly write young people, or Dani was meant to be so obnoxious I wanted to punch the book every time I turned the page. If the latter is the case, Moning is brilliant, because that was exactly my reaction. The ego and arrogance would have been better as a starting point. But there was absolutely zero character growth.

Oh, it was hinted at. Twice there were moments when I thought, finally... finally this stupid child will learn. Dani compared herself to a boat, speeding along and leaving chaos in her wake. And then again a tsunami which devastates everything it touches. But neither episode led to any actual change. A brief glimpse of hope, and then back to wanting to claw out my own eyeballs as I read.

Now, onto the men. WHAT THE ACTUAL F*CK?
Ryoden - one of Barron's crew. Older than dirt. OBSESSED over a dumber than a bag of bricks arrogant child? COME ON. I just... it made me feel gross. The obsessive testosterone driven possessiveness made me so unbelievably uncomfortable. I cannot being to fathom what he would see in her. It felt forced and very unnaturally out of character from what we've seen so far of him in the previous books.
Christian - weird AF. Age wise, sliiiightly less icky? I mean he is at least from roughly the same generation. But his presumption that she belongs to him... what the actual? Just... no.
Dancer - Him, I could have stood for more of. Intelligent, caring, and seems to actually care about what happens to Dani over the stupid male posturing of the other two. But then... he's far too good for her. As the least creepy of all of the men it was disappointing he got the least bit of time.

The Kat/Cruce side plot seemed oddly shoe-horned into the book. Like Moning was trying to give us a break from the vomit inducing inner monologue of Mega (SERIOUSLY??). But it just kind of fell flat. And the whole "my Sean" bit with Chesters? I don't even know what was happening. To be fair it could be because I was desperate to finish the book and reading as fast as possible so as not to contaminate myself.

Overall, this book was awful. The characters, the plot, all of it left me feeling in need of a bleach bath. Do yourself a favor if you have been enjoying the Fever series so far. Find some good spoilers (or message me and I'll tell you) and skip this one.