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Chet Williams's books
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Chet Williams started reading The peripheral by William Gibson (unspecified)

The peripheral by William Gibson (unspecified)
Where Flynne and her brother, Burton, live, jobs outside the drug business are rare. Fortunately, Burton has his veteran's benefits, …
Chet Williams rated The Punisher Vol. 1: 4 stars
Chet Williams rated X-Men: Messiah Complex: 4 stars

X-Men: Messiah Complex by Peter David, Mike Carey, Ed Brubaker, and 2 others
Chet Williams rated The Authority, under new management: 5 stars
Chet Williams rated Powers Vol. 6: 4 stars

Powers Vol. 6 by Brian Michael Bendis, Michael Avon Oeming
Reveals the origin of many Powers characters, focusing on Detective Christian Walker, and further expands the backgrounds of other characters …
Chet Williams rated New X-Men.: 2 stars

New X-Men. by Grant Morrison
The X-Men face difficult choices in the war against the mutants.
Chet Williams rated The Authority Vol. 1: 4 stars
Chet Williams rated X-Factor Vol. 1: 4 stars
Chet Williams rated X-Men: Days of Future Past: 4 stars
Chet Williams rated Powers: 5 stars

Powers by Brian Michael Bendis
Reveals the origin of many Powers characters, focusing on Detective Christian Walker, and further expands the backgrounds of other characters …
Chet Williams rated Rising Stars : 5 stars

Rising Stars by J. Michael Straczynski
In the late 1960s, a fireball struck Pederson, Illinois, that ultimately granted special powers to 113 children who were in …