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reviewed A Marvellous Light by Freya Marske (The Last Binding, #1)

Freya Marske: A Marvellous Light (Hardcover, 2021, Tor Books) 4 stars

Set in an alternative Edwardian England, this is a comedy of manners, manor houses, and …

Stick It Out

3 stars

I started this mess of a book, hated it, despised it, wanted to delete it asap. Even past 60% I regretted it. But, once I start I can’t stop, and the last 30% was wonderful. So, not going to read it again, and not really super happy with it, but it was good, at least the last 30%.

Carl Jung: Man and His Symbols (1968, Laurel) 3 stars

Since our inception, humanity has looked to dreams for guidance. But what are they? How …

Review of 'Man and his symbols' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

If you consider this book for when it was written, that cultural and social space was much different than it is today, it’s certainly a fine book. Read with a contemporary eye and This is a sexist, elitist, and profoundly bigoted word salad. There’s structural misogyny and then there is this regrettable book. I don’t want to burn it, but maybe forget it in a library.

reviewed Rune magic by Donald Tyson (Llewellyn's practical magick series)

Donald Tyson: Rune magic (1988, Llewellyn Publications) 2 stars

Review of 'Rune magic' on 'Goodreads'

2 stars

So much Golden Dawn. So many rules. Rather competent at the start but preachy and injured as it goes on. There’s one passage which is hilariously anti-marriage and pretty much screams 1989. After a while my Interest flagged and then I decided I have had enough of it. Time to put it back in the library.