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Outlaw book-slinger

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Sönke Ahrens: How to Take Smart Notes (Paperback, 2022, Sönke Ahrens) 4 stars

This is the second, revised and expanded edition. The first edition was published under the …

Helpful but somewhat repetitive

3 stars

Zettlekasten is an interesting system for organizing ideas. It sounds quite promising and I intend to try it out.

The presentation of the method is somewhat abstract making it difficult to know where to begin.

The text is also repetitive with the same ideas resurfacing again and again

Cormac McCarthy: The Passenger (Hardcover, 2022, Knopf) 4 stars

Nominee for Best Historical Fiction (2022) 1980, PASS CHRISTIAN, MISSISSIPPI: It is three in the …

Favourite passage: "Here is a story. The last of all men who stands alone in the universe while it darkens about him. Who sorrows all things with a single sorrow. Out of the pitiable and exhausted remnants of what was once his soul he'll find nothing from which to craft the least thing godlike to guide him in these last of days."