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Stuart J. Whitmore

Joined 1 year, 8 months ago

Reader whenever I can make time, self-published writer whenever I can muster the energy.

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Stuart J. Whitmore's books

Currently Reading

Anton Treuer: Everything you wanted to know about Indians but were afraid to ask (2012, Borealis Books) 4 stars

Review of 'Everything you wanted to know about Indians but were afraid to ask' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

No single individual can fully speak for a large and diverse group, but a first-hand account can go a long way toward increased understanding of that group, especially when such accounts seem few and rarely noticed, and even more so when uninformed mythology about the group from outsiders is prevalent. This book offers that valuable internal insight into the experience of American Indians, and it presents the information and the author's views in a format that is generally very easy to read and understand. Ample resources are provided in the back of the book for further reading for those who would like to learn more and/or become active regarding issues addressed in the book.

I think this book, or at least books like it, should be considered "required" reading for residents of the Americas, at an early age, to better understand the actual history of the land and its peoples, …

Review of 'Malaeska; the Indian wife of the white hunter.' on 'Goodreads'

2 stars

I forced myself to read this story because it was the original "dime novel." The purple prose made it difficult to get through, and social ideas that were commonly acceptable back in 1860 make for rather terrible, if moderately laughable, reading now, such as referring to Native Americans as "savages" and in one sentence confirming that a man is terribly prejudiced and referring to him as "a just man." The whole thing ends up sounding like a warning against interracial marriage which will cause constant tragedy that even God can't prevent. There was also a glaring continuity error near the end. The only reason I gave it two stars instead of one is that it is a useful cultural reference. I would never recommend this to someone just wanting an enjoyable read, I would only recommend it for its historical relevance.

David Eddings: Two complete novels (1994, Wings Books, Distributed by Random House Value Pub.) 4 stars

Review of 'Two complete novels' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

I wasn't sure what to expect with this book, but it was definitely a good read. The two stories are completely unrelated to each other, apart from being by the same author and taking place in the same general geographic region. They both show that they were written in and about a different time, especially High Hunt (all that drinking and driving, for example!). Despite being separate stories (characters, settings, etc.), both The Losers and High Hunt delve into what makes people tick, and Eddings doesn't shy away from the darker, baser motivations. I felt that The Losers offered more insights, while High Hunt was a more engaging read. Not something for young audiences -- sex, violence, bad attitudes, adult problems, etc. run throughout both stories -- but a good read for mature audiences. I'd give this book 3.5 stars, so as usual I'll round that up to 4.

reviewed The Gauguin connection by Estelle Ryan (Genevieve Lenard series -- book 1)

Estelle Ryan: The Gauguin connection (2012) 3 stars

As an insurance investigator and world renowned expert in nonverbal communication, Dr. Genevieve Lenard faces …

Review of 'The Gauguin connection' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

It took me awhile to really commit to this book, I thought about not finishing it several times in the first few chapters. I realize that the main character has ASD-related difficulties dealing with people, but the result (at first) is a rebarbative personality that, combined with the first-person telling of the story, repeatedly put me off. Perhaps the added distance of third-person would have helped. Anyway, she is forced into accepting changes in her life and as she adapts to those changes she becomes less rigid and more accepting, and those changes and perhaps the added depth of character helped me to start caring about her and the story outcome. The tale itself is not bad, although fairly predictable at times. Overall I ended up enjoying it enough that I am glad I stuck with it.

Review of "Summary of Richard Hargreaves's the Germans in Normandy" on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

"Every one of the infantry divisions in France in 1944 relied first and foremost on the horse for transport. The horse pulled field guns, ammunition wagons, anti-tank guns; horse-drawn vehicles in Normandy outnumbered their powered counterparts two to one in the summer of 1944. The poorest divisions in France that year even lacked horses." That they were relying so much on horses, against the machines of the Allied forces, was just one of many eye-openers in this book. As even the Allied forces at the time understood, the outcome might have been very different if Germany had been adequately prepared for the invasion, instead of facing it after being weakened through years of war.

Like other books that deal with the bloody, gritty reality of war, this is a book I wish would be "mandatory reading" for politicians. This book, in particular, should be read by anybody who fails to …

Mark Berent: Rolling Thunder (Paperback, 2004, I Books) 3 stars

Review of 'Rolling Thunder' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

If you want a close peek at the brutal daily experiences of those the US sent on its misadventure in Vietnam, this historical novel will give you that, with a detailed focus on the air aspect of the war (especially regarding those who flew the F-100 and F-105). Politicians inclined to "send in our military" without clear objectives and exit strategies should be forced to read this book and others like it.

However, the book itself needs significant editing to clean up errors like missing punctuation and incorrect word choice, and some revision to help the story flow would help too.