
reviewed Red Team Blues by Cory Doctorow

Cory Doctorow: Red Team Blues (2023, Head of Zeus) 4 stars

New York Times bestseller Cory Doctorow's Red Team Blues is a grabby next-Tuesday thriller about …

Worth the read for the plot

3 stars

Enjoyed the plot (techno-thriller) but I found everything else (characters, settings, etc) very underdeveloped and skeletal. People and relationships seemed very flat and one-dimensional, so the story didn't have much depth. The plot is interesting and topical, and certainly open to more depth but Doctorow doesn't go there.

Not being a tech or finance person I could have used a bit more explanatory handholding at points to better grasp the implications of certain events in the story - I had to set aside some questions I had and just go with the flow.

I very much appreciate Doctorow's social media and blog posts, but this was the first time reading his longer works. There was enough here to try another one, but if this is typical of his style it just might not be my type.