Dani Kollin: The unincorporated man (2009, Tor) 4 stars

Review of 'The unincorporated man' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

An interesting speculation on the nature of individual freedom and literal investment in each other. This is more of a political thought experiment than political thriller. Some of the big events occur off screen. But the interaction between the two main characters, Justin Cord, the "Unincorporated Man", and his nemesis Hektor Sambianco, champion of self-incorporation, made this book worth the read. It's not often that I wind up torn between the two characters, both of whom have virtues and flaws. I know I'm supposed to be on the side of Cord, since he's the "hero" of the piece, but Sambianco makes a number of very strong points. In the end, I found this to be a stronger book than expected, and much less of a libertarian fantasy than other reviews had led me to believe. I'm not sure I'll continue the series, but I did wind up enjoying this book.