Thomas W. Jones: Mastering Genealogical Documentation (EBook, 2017, National Genealogical Society) 4 stars

The value of your family history research relies in large part on the thoroughness and …

Or example 3:

Chapter 4 is "Assembling Components into Clear Citations". The lede is "Genealogy standard 5 […] says that reference-list citations describe at least four aspects of sources. It also says that full reference-note citations […] describe those four aspects and one more."

Is the author going to tell you what those aspects are? Well, yes. But only after 2 sections with 17 paragraphs of admonitions to research sources & be brief.

That entire 1st section of chapter 4 would be much better placed after explaining the aspects. The author could then explain how researching is necessary for each aspect.

The section honestly feels like someone complaining about how people don't research sources and they should.