Red Plenty (Paperback, 2011, Faber & Faber) 5 stars

Strange as it may seem, the gray, oppressive USSR was founded on a fairy tale. …

A well-written, experimental novel for the economically inclined

5 stars

This book had me at its premise: "a novel about the socialist calculation debate". If you are not interested in economic theory, you should skip it - the question of how best to run an economy is not just the main driver of the story and a topic of conversation among characters, there are several significant chunks of the book that are just straight-out lecture. I found the lecture-y bits to be very helpful context, so I will not dock stars for them, though I preferred the actual story (which is maybe 85-90% of the text).

The book follows many characters, real and some fictional, some we keep circling back to and some we never see again. Luckily Spufford has a knack for sketching interesting characters quickly. Still, this is not the kind of book that grips you hard and fast so you can't put it down. You can read …

@luis_in_brief I don't know why I'm just now seeing this, but yes! I actually found the book through Crooked Timber. I saw the Shalizi article and decided to read the book first so I wouldn't be spoiled.

Yes, a lot of AI talk seems hand-wavey in a similar way. "Surely if we throw enough computing resources at this problem, it will 'just work'! There's no need to think about the patterns of errors produced and the political ramifications of who bears the harms of those errors!"

@luis_in_brief All balanced, I think, against a fear of trusting other people to make their own decisions. AI as currently practiced is fundamentally undemocratic - as was Leninist/Stalinist Russia. (I don't say Soviet Russia because that seems unfair: the soviet councils after which the country was named *were *extremely democratic, and stamped out by the totalitarians right away.)

A democratic approach is the only way to get reasonably effective AI - or reasonably effective socialism.