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marapavelka rated The Demonic Games: 4 stars

The Demonic Games by Dan Sugralinov (Disgardium, #7)
Alex Sheppard flies to the Demonic Games, hoping that he and his friends Malik and Tissa can do the impossible …
marapavelka rated Path of Spirit: 4 stars

Path of Spirit by Dan Sugralinov (Disgardium, #6)
Scyth and the followers of the Sleeping Gods have lost the Holy War. The new gods, who call themselves the …
marapavelka rated Holy War: 4 stars

Holy War by Dan Sugralinov (Disgardium, #5)
Under the protection of Nergal the Radiant, the alliance's armies march confidently toward Tiamat's temple. Scyth's old tricks are no …
marapavelka rated Resistance: 4 stars

Resistance by Dan Sugralinov (Disgardium, #4)
The armies of the Commonwealth, the Empire and the neutral factions, all the leading players and clans of the preventers, …
marapavelka rated Ready Player Two: 3 stars

Ready Player Two by Ernest Cline (Ready Player One, #2)
An unexpected quest. Two worlds at stake. Are you ready?
Days after Oasis founder James Halliday's contest, Wade Watts makes …
marapavelka rated The Destroying Plague: 4 stars

The Destroying Plague by Dan Sugralinov (Disgardium, #3)
Having emerged from the sandbox into the wide world of Disgardium, Scyth and his friends find themselves under the watchful …
marapavelka rated Apostle of the Sleeping Gods: 4 stars

Apostle of the Sleeping Gods by Dan Sugralinov (Disgardium, #2)
Your parents are getting divorced. Now, once you turn sixteen, you’ll be doomed to a pitiful existence on the lowest …
marapavelka rated Class-A Threat: 4 stars

Class-A Threat by Dan Sugralinov (Disgardium, #1)
Our future. Noncitizens and individuals of low social standing can only find work in one place – the virtual world …
marapavelka reviewed Jméno růže by Umberto Eco (Český klub)
marapavelka reviewed Barva kouzel by Terry Pratchett (Úžasná zeměplocha, #1)
marapavelka rated Noční hlídka: 1 star

Noční hlídka by Sergej Lukianenko (Hlídka, #1)
První díl fantasy série Sergeje Lukjaněnka. Ani na okamžik neustávající boj mezi silami Světla a Tmy – takový je její …