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Joined 1 year, 7 months ago

Avid reader, mostly sf, but also science, politics, memoir, history, queer studies, cultural studies, literary fiction

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Mark's books

Currently Reading

Adam Kirsch: The Revolt Against Humanity (Paperback, 2022, Columbia Global Reports) 5 stars

“It’s no coincidence that transhumanism has taken off in the early twenty-first century at just the same time as the concept of the Anthropocene. Both ideas rest on the intuition that human life can’t continue the way it is now, that our world is on the brink of a fundamental transformation. This gives them the appeal of all apocalyptic thinking, which endows the present with extraordinary significance by seeing it as the hinge of history, the most important time of all.”

The Revolt Against Humanity by  (Page 42)

commented on Transcendence by Jay Cornell

Jay Cornell, R. U. Sirius: Transcendence (2015, Disinformation Company Limited, The) 2 stars

So far, not impressed. This book is trashy pop sci with ridiculous claims, little science and no skepticism. In the first couple of chapters the authors conflate deterministic software automatons with artificial life and artificial intelligence. I’m sorry, chatbots that do technical “support” are not intelligent, the Game of Life is not synthetic biology, IBM’s Watson is just a very fast computer chess game. And no, we’re not giving Alzheimer’s patients neural implants to help them recover their memories by 2025.