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Software developer by day, reader the rest of the time.
I enjoy history, philosophy, American lit, and of course technical books.
Some of my favorite books have been the random ones I've picked up from the bookstore or library where I had NO idea what it was about or even who the author was.
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Mike rated The American Spirit: 5 stars

Huế 1968 by Mark Bowden
By January 1968, despite an influx of half a million American troops, the fighting in Vietnam seemed to be at …
Mike rated In the Blood: 5 stars
Mike rated Organize Tomorrow Today: 4 stars
Mike rated The Afghanistan Papers: 5 stars

The Afghanistan Papers by The Washington Post, Craig Whitlock
The groundbreaking investigative story of how three successive presidents and their military commanders deceived the public year after year about …
Mike rated Essentialism: 4 stars

Essentialism by Greg McKeown
Essentialism isn't about getting more done in less time. It's about getting only the right things done. Have you ever …
Mike rated The Tempest: 5 stars

The Tempest by William Shakespeare (The Folger Shakespeare Library)
Each edition includes: • Freshly edited text based on the best early printed version of the play
• Full explanatory …
Mike rated The bookshop of yesterdays: 5 stars
Mike rated Sick As Our Secrets: 5 stars
Mike rated The Silver Chair: 5 stars

The Silver Chair by C. S. Lewis, Pauline Baynes (The Chronicles of Narnia, #4)
In the never-ending war between good and evil, The Chronicles of Narnia set the stage for battles of epic proportions. …
Mike rated The last battle, by C.S. Lewis: 5 stars

The last battle, by C.S. Lewis by C. S. Lewis (The chronicles of Narnia -- v. 7)
The conclusion of the saga that began with The Magician's Nephew

The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, by C.S. Lewis. Volume 3 of the Chronicles of Narnia by C. S. Lewis
Lucy, Edmund, and their cousin travel back to Narnia through a painting where they board a ship named "The Dawn …
Mike rated Prince Caspian, by C.S. Lewis: 5 stars

Prince Caspian, by C.S. Lewis by C. S. Lewis (The Chronicles of Narnia -- v. 4)
Children's Religious Book